How do you adapt your brand to a change in strategy?

Don’t throw your brand baby out with the bath water.

Your brand is only a couple of years old, when the Board announce they’re changing the business strategy. What do you do? Rip up your brand guidelines and start the pitch process all over again. New strategy means new brand. Or does it?

Assuming your business isn’t pivoting to a totally unrelated market, your brand doesn’t necessarily need to be thrown out with the proverbial bath water. The right solution might be a less radical but effective brand realignment – or brand stretch, in laywoman’s terms.


Fully immerse yourself in the new commercial strategy. Understand the implications it has for the Company, your Customers, and your Competitor set.


Scrutinize your brand platform. What needs to adapt to align to the company’s new strategic aims, the needs of your customers, and to drive meaningful difference for your brand?


Work closely with relevant teams in your business and partner agencies to evolve the brand platform. Create and cascade the tools everyone needs to clearly and coherently articulate the new positioning of your business.

Read how we helped a client do just that, realign its brand

When a high street bank restructured its commercial banking franchise, it asked us to help them align its brand to their new strategy. Find out more here.


Sharpen your proposition using intelligence, insight and intuition.

Research & insights
Positioning, purpose & values
Architecture & naming
Stakeholder engagement


Empower and inspire by making the brand meaningful to those that matter most.

Strategic planning
Launch events
Staff communications


Keep strategy front and centre so your brand is always relevant and distinctive.

Brand reviews
Agency workshops
Pitch management
Implementation planning
Strategic consultancy